WitchBlade 2 with blade (2007)

The WB gauntlet revisited This incarnation featured a removeable blade, and was fabricated in aluminium.

WitchBlade 1

Fully articulated lames and plates fitted closely to the flesh.

Fingers feature talon like covers on the thumb, index and middle fingers. The remaining appendages have a rounded conical cover.

Artificially weathered metal forearm section shows off the jewel (temporarily shown here in Tyrian purple as opposed to the royal blue).

The back of the gauntlet shows the 'eye; motif with articulated wrist plates. The top of the forearm has a slot for blade placement, in case the need arises.

Looking for the Witchblade bracelet?
For an excellent replica check out
Camias Jewelry Designs

WitchBlade Gauntlet Glove Replica in metal

The TV version of the WitchBlade ( Witch Blade ) gauntlet shown here in forged and hammered metal. Haute Couture attire for today's modern crimefighter .

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