In which films and television programs can Kropserkel work be seen?
Please check out our profile &
credits page for our up-to-date production list. You may also search for us (Scott Maple, or Kropserkel on the Internet Movie Database).
Which external consumer based product lines have utilized Kropserkel prototypes?
Our licensee client list includes WSM Art Management (Germany), Master Replicas LLC (USA), The Hollywood Collectibles Group LLC (USA), and The Canadian Air and Space Musuem (Canada).
Kropserkel service the general public?
Yes, we do consider custom project work on a case by case basis, pending
our workload limitations and interest in the proposed subject matter. Please
note that we are unable to service each and every request, but we do make an effort to respond to all of our email. We don't host an order page, but recommend that you contact us
directly by
email about what you are interested in having produced.
showcase reproductions?
Kropserkel is an artistic design and fabrication studio with growing
credits in the entertainment industry. Most of our creations are
original commissioned works for the television and motion picture
industry. But much in the same way that writers draft spec
episode scripts for existing television shows to demonstrate their
capabilities, so do we recreate props and costumes
from existing properties to deepen our portfolio. In this way we
can demonstrate our talents in a manner that is familiar and recognizable
to potential and existing industry clients. When creating such spec
works, our aim is to demonstrate our capabilities.
I get instructions or patterns to make any of these things myself?
Given the amount of time, research and effort that our group has
put into these projects, we do not offer any of our custom patterns,
offer tips, or provide anything of an instructional nature to organizations
or individuals. Much in the way
that a magician doesn't share their secrets, or an electrician walk
you through an installation, we have adopted these analogies with parallel reasoning. That being said, there are a great deal of resources available
online and in publications with respect to sculpting, mould making/casting,
pattern making, blacksmithing, and leather working. Please take
no offense, as certainly none is intended.
Linking to us?
We appreciate your kindness in introducing us
to new visitors. Banners are below, should you wish to use
one. Thank you!

disclaimer: Each film, television production, or registered trademark
does not endorse or sponsor this site in any way, unless otherwise stated.