a friend for dinner? Our replica of the clinical bite
restraint muzzle makes an excellent accompaniment to your Chianti and fine china, not to mention that it might just make sure that you have a longer lasting friendship (if worn securely).

The prop is fabricated from fibre backed polyester, tinted to match the onscreen colours, and just slightly translucent. Stainless steel bars cover the mouth to prevent even the smallest opportunity.
Muzzling Disturbed

The muzzles we made for David Draiman (lead singer of 'Disturbed') were not enough to keep him silent for long during their 2008 tour.
Muzzling Jessica Alba and Hayden Panettiere for 'Declare Yourself 2008' PSA
Our muzzle has been surfacing in a number of public venues in 2008. The DeclareYourself.com campaign featuring Jessica Alba wearing a muzzle prop in print, and videos featuring models of the Lecter muzzle modified to suit the application.

The weathered textures of the surface are also intentional, and elude to a prop with some history.

Extensive investigation into the muzzle revealed a third strap harness set, featured here in a matte leather. The usage of the three strap system ensure a secure form fit.
The Process

we wanted to get the scale of the mask accurately, we
sculpted the muzzle on a lifecast of Anthony Hopkins.
(Click image for larger)
here is the stone cast prior to moulding. The pits and
markings indicate where holes and ports will be cut into
the fibreglass casting, some for breathing, some for restraining!
On Stage
See our muzzle in action at "SILENCE! the musical" in the
New York International Fringe Festival, details here.